Low-Dose Lung CT Screening
Stop lung cancer in its tracks.
If you are a smoker or a former smoker, a simple screening at a Highpoint Health with Ascension Saint Thomas facility could save your life. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. and 85% of cases occur in cigarette smokers. Studies show that lung CT scans using low doses of radiation can effectively detect lung cancer in its earliest stages and most importantly, lower your risk of dying from lung cancer.
- A low-dose lung screening is capable of detecting very small but potentially cancerous cells at the earliest stages, which may allow for the least invasive treatment options.
- Screening can aid in reducing the risk of dying from lung cancer by 80%.**
What is LDCT lung cancer screening?
LDCT (low-dose computed tomography) works much like an x-ray exam to produce pictures of your chest and lungs. This high-quality lung screening detects lung abnormalities but with 90 percent less ionizing radiation than a conventional CT scan. If you have a high risk of lung cancer but no signs or symptoms, a LDCT screening could help you catch potentially cancerous spots at their earliest and most treatable stage.
You are considered high risk if you are:
- Between the ages of 50 and 77
- Have a smoking history of 30 pack years (1 pack per day for 30 years)
- Currently a smoker or have quit in the last 15 years
Initial Consultation and CT Scan
If you would like to undergo a LDCT lung screening, the first step is an appointment with your primary care provider. This appointment will be a time to discuss your age, smoking history and other factors in order for your physician to determine if you are eligible for screening. If you are eligible, your primary care provider will schedule your low-dose lung CT scan.
What happens next?
Your medical provider will call you soon after your screening to explain your results and discuss any additional necessary medical care. If the CT scan were to detect any potentially cancerous nodules, another screening may be needed after a few months to monitor your lungs’ conditions. Regardless of your results, annual screenings are recommended, as yearly low-dose CT scans have been shown to decrease mortality in patients who had increased risk due to smoking.
Is Screening Covered By My Insurance?
Medicare now covers the cost of low-dose CT screening for high risk patients. Many private health insurers provide coverage as well. Your physician will give you more specific details about eligibility and costs during your consultation.
Remember… A LDCT screening can detect lung cancer in its earliest stages, but it cannot prevent or cure disease. The only way to stop cancer before it starts is to stop smoking. If you think you may be ready to quit, talk to your primary care provider for guidance and helpful tips.
Self-Pay Option: Highpoint Health facilities offer LDCT scans at a reduced self-pay rate of $99 if you do not meet criteria or do not have health coverage. This flat rate includes the Radiologist reading. Typical criteria for self-payers include being between the ages of 50-80 and smoking for 20 years or more. Even if you do not meet the typical criteria, your provider could still order a LDCT if they feel this screening would be beneficial for you.
Our Locations
Highpoint Health – Sumner with Ascension Saint Thomas
Diagnostic Imaging Services
555 Hartsville Pike
Gallatin, TN 37066
(615) 328-5501
Highpoint Health – Riverview with Ascension Saint Thomas
Medical Imaging
158 Hospital Drive
Carthage, TN 37030
(615) 735-5164
Highpoint Health – Trousdale with Ascension Saint Thomas
412 Andrews Avenue
Hartsville, TN 37074
(615) 374-3916